At Anasazi Animal Clinic, we are a veterinary clinic that can help you make sure your dog has all the right safety measures in place. Whether he gets out when the carpet cleaner comes, jumps the fence, or bolts during a monsoon storm, knowing you have taken all the steps you can to get your pet back safely is important.

We’ve outlined below a few of the easiest things you can do to keep your dog safe and get him back home should the need arise:

  • It’s a must that your pet have a collar and updated dog tags. One of the tags is typically your dog’s registration, for which you submit rabies vaccination. The other tag should have your pet’s name on it, as well as your current phone number.
  • Digital chips are commonly used now for identification measures. A small chip is injected in between your dog’s shoulder area. This is perfectly safe and not felt by your furry friend. The digital chip contains all the information you want to include such as your phone, address and the dog’s name.
  • When taking your dog out for a walk, always make sure he has his collar on him and a leash. Dogs like to chase things. So if he’s not on a leash and he sees someone on a bike or another dog or a child, he may bolt. To avoid any potential incidents, make sure you have a good hold on his leash.
  • Even if you’re just letting your dog out in the backyard, having his collar on can assist in keeping him safe should he get out.
  • If your pet should run away or get out, contact the local shelters immediately. You can also post fliers and look online for various pet finding resources.

Contact us at our veterinary clinic to schedule your pet’s annual checkup. We can answer all your questions and make sure you have the information you need to keep your pet safe and sound.