The veterinary team at Anasazi Animal Clinic recommend annual comprehensive wellness physical exams for your pet, and pre-surgical wellness exams prior to any procedures. The information we gather at each exam becomes part of your pet’s medical history and can be critical if an emergency or sudden illness arises.

What is a pet wellness exam?

An annual wellness exam ensures your pet isn’t suffering from an underlying health condition that goes unnoticed. At this exam we will assess and examine the following:

  • Check for significant weight loss, which can be an early warning sign of disease. Obesity is a common problem for older pets. We will assess your pet’s diet and nutritional needs.
  • Perform a rectal exam to check for abnormalities, if indicated.
  • Assess the condition of legs, hips, joints, and spine.
  • Assess the hair and coat. It should appear healthy and well groomed. Dull, dry, brittle hair or hair loss may indicate an underlying illness. Check skin for infection or signs of fleas, ticks or mites.
  • Palpate the abdomen for abnormal masses or pain.
  • Listen to the chest for heart murmurs, irregular heartbeat and abnormal lung sounds.
  • Examine eyes for cataracts, glaucoma or inflammation.
  • Examine ears for ear mites, infection or inflammation.
  • Evaluate nose and nasal passages for signs of upper respiratory disease.
  • Check for periodontal disease. As many as 95% of all pets two years and older have periodontal disease. We evaluate your pet’s teeth and check the color and condition of the gums.
  • Palpate lymph nodes to check for inflammation or tumors.
  • Check for heartworm and other parasites.

Vet in Gilbert

Prior to each visit, a veterinary nurse will review your pet’s medical records and complete a pre-exam checklist. Upon arrival, you will be given the pre-exam checklist to review prior to speaking with the doctor, so that they may answer any questions that you may have!

At the end of the examination, the doctor will review the Patient Report Card with you and discuss any recommended course of action. At the conclusion of your visit, you will be given copies of the Pre-Exam Checklist and Patient Report Card for your pet. If your pet is in need of an annual wellness exam in Gilbert, Arizona, give us a call to schedule an appointment!