Anasazi Animal Clinic offers cat boarding as a helpful service to our clients. We are always happy to care for your cats while you are away. But, we also have an alternative reason for providing cat boarding…We LOVE cats!
Cats are wonderful creatures that make such great pets. If you are considering adding a cat to your family, we’d like to share why we think that it’s a wonderful idea.
- Cats are terrific companions. Many love to cuddle next to you so you can stroke their hair. Very therapeutic for both of you! They also seem to be able to sense when you need a little TLC. So, if you are having “one of those days”, having a cat around can help turn your day around!
- Cats love to play. Dangle a toy in front of them, and they will instinctively bat it and try to pin it down. But, they also love to play by themselves, so you don’t have to constantly entertain them.
- Cats are great family pets. They are especially good to help children learn responsibility and how to care for an animal.
- Cats are low maintenance. All they need is food and water…and a clean litter box.
- Cats are self-cleaners. They spend a lot of time grooming themselves. If you have a long-haired variety, however, you will need to brush them regularly to avoid matting.
- Cats are natural hunters. This can help cut down on any unwanted pests in and around your home.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of cat ownership and how to care for a feline friend, we are happy to share our insight with you. Once you bring a cat into your family, we would also be honored to help you care for her and provide cat boarding should the need arise. Our cat boarding facilities include a separate area with room to roam, a cat scratching tower, and lots of love and attention from our staff.
Contact us here at Anasazi Animal Clinic for more information.