by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Jan 21, 2021 | Cats, General Cat Care
Can cats catch colds? The answer is yes, cats can catch colds just like humans can. Sneezing and sniffling are common symptoms that may indicate your cat has an upper respiratory infection. You are probably wondering what else to look for and what to do to help your...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Jan 18, 2021 | Cats, General Cat Care
Nail trimmings are an essential part of a cat’s health and wellbeing. Your cat’s nails should be trimmed every 2-4 weeks to prevent painful complications—and to save your furniture! Unfortunately this can prove to be an almost impossible task for many cat...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Dec 15, 2020 | Cats, Fun, General
Cats often have a reputation for being independent and aloof—in fact, this may keep many people from adopting them. While these traits are certainly accurate for some cats (and people too!), at Anasazi Animal Clinic in Gilbert, we want to help change this...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Oct 4, 2020 | Cats, General Cat Care
In case you weren’t aware, September is Happy Healthy Cat Month! In honor of our feline friends, our team at Anasazi Animal Clinic would like to give you some advice on keeping your indoor cat entertained and out of trouble. Outdoor cats get plenty of exercise...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Aug 20, 2020 | Cats, General Cat Care
August 22 is National Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day! Cat owners bring their feline friends into the vet significantly less often than their canine counterparts. There are a number of reasons for this, but one of the main reasons is that cats are very skilled at hiding...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Aug 2, 2020 | Cats, Dehydration, Emergencies, Pet Care, Pet Health
A major health concern in cats as they age is kidney failure. Kidney disease affects roughly 1/3 of aging cats. Although cats often don’t show many signs of being in pain, there are various ways to assess if your pet is experiencing decreased kidney functioning. We at...