by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Mar 1, 2023 | Dogs, Pet Disease
Did you know that kidney disease is very common in dogs, especially in senior dogs? Early detection and quick intervention are key in helping your dogs with kidney disease live long, happy lives. March 10th is World Kidney Day, so here’s everything you need to know...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Feb 1, 2023 | Dogs, General Dog Care
Dogs don’t know what’s good for them—they’re just happy to have a delicious treat! It’s up to you to select the safest, healthiest, and tastiest treats for your pup. But it can be difficult to know what to look for when buying dog treats, because there are so many...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Jan 4, 2023 | Dog Health, Dogs
The new year is always a good opportunity to set some goals for improving your health. But why stop there? As you come up with your new year’s resolutions, consider adding a few to the list that will also make your dog healthier and happier. Here are some tips from...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Dec 7, 2022 | Dogs, Puppies
Bringing home a new puppy or welcoming your dog’s litter is an exciting time! But as adorable as puppies are, they can also be overwhelming if you’ve never taken care of them before. To help you out, we put together this guide about the different stages your puppy...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Nov 11, 2022 | Dental Health, Dogs
Unlike humans, dogs don’t lose any self-confidence when they have bad teeth. However, dogs can experience painful toothaches, tooth decay, and tooth loss if they don’t get dental care. You can ensure that your dog has strong, healthy teeth by maintaining a good oral...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Nov 2, 2022 | Dogs, Holiday
No matter the occasion, you should never feed your dog table scraps. For their own safety, it’s best to keep dogs out of the kitchen and away from the dinner table on Thanksgiving. But that doesn’t mean you can’t top off your dog’s regular meal with a Thanksgiving...