You’ve just made a beautiful meal and your furry friend won’t leave you alone. You can feel their eyes on you from across the room and the temptation to give them what they want is so high. As much as they’d enjoy a bite of what’s on your plate, there are many foods that are unhealthy for dogs. Additionally, building habits of plate feeding can contribute to obesity and cause many problems down the road. Instead of feeling guilty each time you sit down to dinner, you can make your dog their own healthy treats. Here are some helpful tips and ideas from our team at Anasazi Animal clinic for making healthy, homemade dog treats for your furry friends—so your food remains, well, your own!
Creative ingredients to add
There is no need to spend hours in the kitchen. There are many simple two to three-ingredient treats that take no time at all. If you are trying out new recipes with your dog, make sure you have them taste the new ingredient to ensure that they like it before you spend time making it.
- Baby food — Mixing baby food with oat or flour makes for simple and endless treat possibilities. Just be sure there isn’t onion or garlic powder listed in the ingredient list.
- Leftovers — Waste not want not, dehydrate or bake those leftover veggies to turn into a trail mix for your on the go pup. Just make sure they aren’t coated in butter or oil, as too much fat can be dangerous for dogs.
- Yogurt — Worried you won’t get through the last of the yogurt container? Mix it with peanut butter and stick it in the freezer for a fun treat for the summer heat.
What to avoid
When making homemade dog treats, it’s important to remember that dogs will show interest in most of the foods you place in front of them—but not all ingredients are dog-safe. Some foods can be hazardous to your pet’s health, so when you’re crafting the ultimate treat, make sure you avoid:
- Avocado
- Bread dough
- Chocolate
- Ethanol (Grain/drinking alcohol)
- Grapes and Raisins
- Hops
- Macadamia nuts
- Moldy foods
- Onions and Garlic
- Xylitol *
*Please be aware that some peanut butter mixtures may contain xylitol
Visit us in Gilbert
If you are concerned about anything your pet has eaten, let us know right away—at Anasazi Animal Clinic in Gilbert we offer urgent and emergency services Monday-Saturday. If you have any questions about food allergies or notice skin lesions or excessive licking, please do not hesitate to contact us or email at Your fur baby’s health and happiness is our number one priority.
Image by laurenhudgins at Pixabay