Did you know February is National Cat Health Month? At Anasazi Animal Clinic in Gilbert, we love our furry feline friends and want the very best for their health. This year, we want to recognize National Cat Health Month by covering the basics of your cat’s overall health and wellness, and providing our top tips for keeping her healthy and happy for a lifetime.


Create an Oral Health Plan

Did you know periodontal disease affects well over half of all cats by age three? This is a very common issue in cats that affects their overall health, and it’s preventable. Make sure you have an oral health plan in place for your cat that includes regular professional dental cleanings with your vet, as well as daily tooth-brushing at home. You can also explore cat dental treats and toys for some extra dental TLC. Making sure your cat’s mouth stays healthy is one way to keep her living her best life for years to come.


Prevent and Address Obesity

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder found in cats. Your cat is considered obese when she weights 20% or more above the normal weight. We know that cats usually arrive at this obese state because they are being over-fed or are under-active. Some cats tend to retain weight more than others. Even moderate obesity seriously affects the health of your cat. Respiratory organs, digestive organs, bones and joints all suffer greatly under the excess weight, and an obese cat has a high likelihood for developing various diseases. 

To prevent obesity—or to address current obesity in your cat, talk with your vet about the appropriate amount and type of food for your cat and consider cutting out extra treats. Try playing with new and different toys with your cat to find out what she currently likes to play with. Keeping her active through play is a wonderful way to bond with your feline friend while encouraging a healthy weight. 


Healthy Housing

Keeping your cat inside your warm and cozy house is one way to keep her safe and healthy. Outdoor cats are far more likely to face injury, disease, and death than indoor cats—due to fights with other cats, the danger of cars, and attacks from raccoons and other animals. Inside your cozy house, make sure to keep a clean, dry place just for your cat. Stress is a detrimental factor to your cat’s health and happiness. Creating a stress-free zone or hideaway for sleep and rest is a great way to contribute to your cat’s overall health. Keep a cat bed or her favorite soft blanket, food, fresh water, and any toys she likes in her safe place. Make sure to wash her bedding often and scoop her litter at least once a day. Each indoor cat should have her own litter box, and there should be an easily accessible litter box on each floor of a multi-level house. 


Don’t Forget to Microchip

Whether you allow your cat outdoors or not, she should wear a safety collar with an ID tag and should be microchipped. Many indoor cats try to sneak outside when an exterior door is opened. In the event of an escape, a microchip will increase the likelihood that your cat will be found and returned to you. A microchip is quickly and easily implanted under your cat’s skin by a veterinarian, and contains all of your information, including your home address. If your cat has not been microchipped yet, schedule an appointment today!


Vet Visits Are Important

Make sure to schedule your cat’s annual check-up, including vaccines, with your veterinarian. Regularly taking your cat in for examination allows the vet to catch early signs of obesity, periodontal disease, or any other possible issues. If your cat has not been spayed or neutered, make sure to contact your vet to schedule this procedure. Of course, if your cat is sick or injured, visit your veterinarian immediately.


Call Us Today!

Our team at Anasazi Animal Clinic in Gilbert wishes you a Happy National Cat Health Month! If you have any other questions about optimal cat health contact us online and schedule an appointment! 


Image by Karin Laurila from Pixabay