Just like us humans, dogs require vaccinations to stay healthy and protected from deadly diseases. Like babies, dogs receive many of their vaccines when they are first-year puppies. However, there are some vaccines dogs should receive every year to live their best lives. Let’s take a look at the dog vaccination schedule we suggest for our clients at Anasazi Animal Clinic. 

What vaccinations do puppies receive in their first year? 

To ensure dogs receive a jumpstart to excellent health, they should receive their vaccinations between six and eight weeks of age. Because most puppies are not adoptable until they are at least eight weeks old, many times they will have already received their first vaccines by the time you bring them home. When adopting a puppy, it is very important to obtain full medical records from the shelter or breeder so you know what vaccines they have received and which ones they still need. 

The vaccinations we recommend puppies receive include: 

DHPP Vaccine

The DHPP vaccine is actually five vaccinations in one shot. DHPP protects against: 

  • Canine distemper
  • Hepatitis
  • Kennel Cough
  • Parainfluenza
  • Parvovirus 

Puppies receive the DHPP vaccine over a course of two to four doses spread out over a set number of weeks. How many doses they receive and the amount of time it takes depends on the age of the puppy.


Maricopa County requires rabies vaccinations for all dogs over the age of three months. We administer rabies vaccines to puppies once they reach three months of age, followed by a booster at one year of age. 


The Leptospirosis vaccine protects dogs against diseases caused by Leptospira bacteria. Both humans and animals can get Leptospirosis and can spread it to each other. Although there are treatments for this disease, in some cases it can cause irreversible kidney and/or liver damage.  


We recommend the Bordetella vaccine for dogs who will frequent puppy daycare centers, training classes, dog parks, and boarding kennels. The Bordetella vaccine helps protect dogs from Bordetella bronchiseptica—the bacteria that causes kennel cough. Kennel cough is an extremely contagious respiratory disease that can leave a dog immunocompromised and vulnerable to other types of infections. 

What does a yearly dog vaccination schedule include? 

Our staff is frequently asked, “what vaccines do dogs need annually?” Vaccines generally require booster shots throughout a dog’s life to ensure they remain protected. The type of vaccine dictates the booster shot schedule. 

Here are some examples of what a typical dog vaccination timeline may look like: 

  • DHPP Vaccine: Boosters are generally administered one year after the puppy finishes the initial series, followed by a booster at age 2, and then boosters every three years.
  • Rabies: A booster is generally given around the first year of age followed by boosters every three years. 
  • Leptospirosis: Annual booster shots are required to keep up immunity.
  • Bordetella: Dogs receive booster shots every six months to every year depending on how frequently your dog is around other canines.

Annual Dog Vaccinations in Chandler, AZ

Vaccinations are an important part of a dog’s overall well-being. They are necessary to ensure a dog’s immune system starts off on the right foot when they are young. Adhering to an annual dog vaccination schedule is crucial to making sure your dog remains protected and lives a long, healthy life.  

If you have a new puppy requiring vaccinations or a dog who needs their vaccines updated, contact our staff at Anasazi Animal Clinic today. 

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