by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Jun 17, 2019 | Cats, Pet Food, Pet Health
If cats could participate in a poll, they would probably vote that catnip ranks among their favorite goodies of all time. While it offers a pleasurable experience for cats, a cat on catnip also tends to be an amusing sight for homeowners to observe as well. And if...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | May 24, 2019 | Cats, General Cat Care
Tabby cats are probably the most well-known types of cats because they’re the most common. Tabbies have coats with distinctive stripes, dots, lines, or swirling patterns. They always have a mark resembling an ‘M’ on their foreheads. Here at Anasazi Animal...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Apr 24, 2019 | Cats, Dog Health
While the number of incidences is low in Arizona, if you live in America’s Grand Canyon state, it is possible for your pet to get heartworms. Heartworm disease is now found in all 50 states and Canada. Check out this map to see heartworm incidence rates all over the...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Mar 31, 2019 | Cats, General Cat Care
Introducing a new cat or kitten to your resident cat or dog can be quite challenging. You want them all to get along, and you want your current pets to welcome your new cat into the house, but it isn’t always so easy! As passionate pet owners ourselves, our team here...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Mar 25, 2019 | Cats, General Cat Care
In our last post we talked about making the transition into your home easier for your new cat. Today we will be discussing the process of introducing a new cat to your current pets. At Anasazi Animal Clinic in Gilbert, we care about your pets as much as you do. That’s...
by Anasazi Animal Clinic | Mar 15, 2019 | Cats, General Cat Care, Uncategorized
Adopting a new cat is exciting, but the transition can also be challenging. So it’s best to be physically and mentally prepared. Here at Anasazi Animal Clinic in Gilbert, our veterinarians have put together a comprehensive guide to make introducing a new cat to your...